*AWS Server less services:

Gavin Reji Thoppil
5 min readJun 18, 2021
  • The server-free computer model allows you to run application and services without worrying about infrastructure
  • It removes infrastructure management tasks such as marking, operating system optimization, measurement, and power allocation.
  • Making non-service systems means engineer’s can center on basic product and software development and solution rather than spending more time setting up and maintaining the infrastructure.
  • This leads to many benefits such as rapid development, basic performance management, measurement, and compact operating costs

how can we use these servers without servers?

  • AWS offers a wide variety of cloud services enclosed all aspects and requirements of background solutions, such as computer hardware, distinct types of storage, data-intensive information, machine learning, messaging and monitoring services

Overview of AWS services:

Compute :

  • Compute gives you the environment to use your app code
  • AWS Lambda: you can create code as a function shaped by various event sources, such as HTTP applications in AWS API Gateway. Lambda can be incorporated with many other AWS services and used in many situation such as authorizing the HTTP application by verifying the json web token
  • AWS Fargate: used as dock containers without the administration of servers .It is an orchestration solution that makes it simple to download, manage, and evaluate applications that contain objects.Fargate manage the infrastructure required to run your containers in the most handy way


  • Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS): a distributed queue service that enables you to complete and measure micro service dispersed applications and non service program. We can send, receive and save message between software components to resolve issues caused by the manufacturer’s and consumer issue SQS offers you 2 kinds of message lines: Standard line has high throughput, excellent order, and at least 1 delivery. you can also use the FIFO line, which deliver messages once in a strict order.
  • AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS) : a fully managed sub messaging service that helps you to get rid of micro services and non-service programs. SNS allows you to publish messages from a single application to a large number of subscribers for processing. you can provide notification via email, SMS or to any HTTP repository.


  • Amazon API Gateway : fully managed service for create, publish, store, monitor, and protect REST and WebSocket APIs at any rate. It manages the processing of up to hundreds of thousands of similar API calls consisting traffic management, authentication and API version .
  • AWS Step function: you can organize parts of your application as step-by-step cables to generate complex workflows without a server using Lambda functions. Workflow is followed as a state machine diagram, in which each country represent part of the application. Using a graphical viewer we can visualize these parts and check the working flow in concurrent. All steps are involuntarily detected, tracked and retried in case of errors


  • Amazon Cognito : fully-fledged, sign-in service which allows user verification and management for web and mobile application. The two important part of Amazon Cognito are user pools and proprietary pools. The User Pool is a user identifier, which gives registration and login services, based on a single provider using SAML, OpenID Connect protocol, such as Google. You can use the custom web UI for user login, which can be incorporated into your offered web page. Cognito has advanced security features, such as email, phone authentication, and multi factor verification.
  • AWS Key Management Service (KMS): fully managed service that allows you to generate and handle own security keys and control the use of encryption across multiple AWS services and applications. KMS is incorporated with many AWS services to make it easy to handle encryption throughout your application. This Enables user to easily add encryption property to an application, either directly through the service API or the AWS Encryption Software Development Kit. AWS has no visibility to your encryption key that you create


  • AWS Cloud Watch: analyze or scan and management service for AWS resources and custom developed applications. Cloud Watch lets you gather logs across all your AWS applications and services running on AWS and local servers.Cloud Watch is traditionally integrated with numerous AWS services that can publish detailed metrics with a 1 second volume.
  • AWS Quicksight: a complete managed spy service, which allows you to generate data detect and plan dashboard for app analysis. We can implant them on your apps, sites or websites, giving you powerful statistics to help them. Quick Sight allow us to attach and import data from a variety of cloud sources on a scale and scales to tens of thousands of users without administrative infrastructure.


  • Amazon DynamoDB: a non SQL data service that chains value-for-value pairs and document data formats. As it is a fully managed service. It offers features such as high availability and durability ,backup tracking with time point recovery, duplicate encryption, and single digit digitize millisecond.
  • Amazon Aurora: fully integrated data engine attuned with My SQL and Postgre SQL. Perform and separate data integration and duplicate to remove time-consuming administrative tasks, such as database setting, fragmentation, and backups. Aurora is also available as a much-needed configuration, called Aurora Server less, with volume-based auto scaling.


  • Amazon Kinesis : fully-fledged stream service for processing, and analyzing real-time streaming data, such as website click streams, financial transactions, social media feeds, app logs, track events place. It empowers us to process and examine data as it come and respond quickly. Amazon Kinesis has 3 services which can be used to process streaming data. Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose can be used to upload data to data pools ,data stores and analytics tools .
  • Amazon Athena : is a interactive query service that made it easy to examine data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. Athena is server less, so there is no infrastructure to administer. Athena is simple to use. Most results are delivered in seconds. With Athena, there is no requirement for complex ETL jobs to prepare your data for examination. This makes it user friendly with SQL skills to quickly examine huge datasets.

For any query feel free to contact @ rockstargang182@gmail.com

Thank you!

